Brand name or brand name is a name given by a manufacturer or organization to its product with a specific name. To focus on brand development, it is impossible not to have a name for your product.
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Brand name concept
Brand names help businesses score points in customers’ minds, making it easy for customers to name and identify products. A good name will help the business affirm its position in the market, help customers call the name and remember it easily. Moreover, it helps businesses communicate and market products more effectively.
Role of brand name
The name helps customers identify the product, trust it and accept it. No generic product will be remembered by customers no matter how good the product is without an impressive name. Therefore, the name is the first step to reach customers.
Every name has its own meaning, just like how your parents gave you a meaningful name and left others with an impression of you. Products too, when performing communication steps, customers will easily remember you even if it’s only for 10 seconds of advertising. It helps businesses convey messages to customers, hitting user psychology.
Your name and brand identity help you to rise one level above your competition. Same product, design and quality however, if you do better communication, better product name and brand, it will definitely be more effective.
When the marketplace is fierce for an idea, big names can be stolen without legal protection. Therefore, you need to register a trademark to be recognized and protected by the law. Only in this way can we avoid unfair competitors and brand attacks when our brand is big enough.
Have a good brand name
Owning a good brand name is not an easy thing. Here are the ways that BC suggests for you to choose a suitable name for the company’s product.
Customers will not remember who you are if the product name, your name is too long, right? Try to choose one that is short, or simply abbreviated to the initials to display the name on the brand identity.
Life has so many things to worry about, your customers won’t be able to remember who you are if your name is too complicated despite the quality product. The line between unique and confusing is very small, so match the right mix for your business.
Absolutely do not name trends or trends. Because a trend or trend can only last for a certain time, not for a long time. For a business to develop sustainably, it is necessary to have a suitable name that goes through from inception to stability and development.
An effective communication step lies in the name and brand identity. If your product is good, customers will remember you and easily recommend the product to their friends and relatives. The name represents a business. combined with the brand identity will be a pair of matching cards for product marketing.
Make sense for business
This is also the most important role of the business brand name. Although short, simple and easy to remember, the product name needs to convey the message that the business wants to tell customers. With that, new products easily conquer customers and can spread to many customers exponentially.
Brand name is extremely important for the development of the business. For your business to have a name and make an impression with customers, you need an impressive and unique brand identity. If you are in need of logo design, brand identity, please inbox BC Agency immediately, we with a professional team will definitely create an impressive, beautiful and unique product set for your business. .