Facebook Marketing

The secret to improving Fanpage to reduce 80-90% of advertising restrictions

One of the dilemmas of the advertising brothers during this time is the state that Fanpage is limited in advertising. After building the page, I didn’t have time to go

Conquer customers from effective Facebook Marketing

Facebook – a social network with nearly 4 billion users, of which Vietnam has 60 million users, which is a fertile ground for businesses to reach potential customers. With a

Experience running effective Facebook Ads 2022

Running Facebook ads is one of the effective speed marketing strategies to connect customers with businesses on the world’s largest social network. However, the Facebook algorithm changes every day in

What is a Monthly Invoicing Ad Account? Conditions for being granted an Invoice account

Before the unexpected advertising algorithm updates from Facebook, Google, TikTok, and Bing, having a few Monthly Invoicing Ad Account ready is crucial for maintaining stable advertising campaigns and increasing budget