In the digital age, marketing customers through media is the smartest and most effective approach for businesses. So, for a business, what needs to be done to effectively use digital marketing through Marketing? Join us to learn about Digital Marketing, the skills needed to become a professional digital marketer to help your business access customer data and have high revenue.
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1 – What is Digital Marketing?
Digital Marketing – digital marketing is a way of marketing products and services of businesses to customers through the promotion of brands and products based on digital platforms.
Traditional marketing methods only focus on products but “forget” personal brand names, product images… Then Digital Marketing is doing a good job of leaving behind traditional marketing: images, brand logos, sets Personal identity, fanpage, website… With this approach, businesses can better support customers, be effective in revenue and save advertising costs.
It is not too difficult for customers to access and visualize the product when in need with just one click through the company’s website, fanpage, email marketing, social media, etc. When using advertising channels, businesses can measure the effectiveness and come up with specific strategies to reach potential customers.
2 – Overview of Digital Marketing
A business often uses effective marketing through Facebook Ads, Google Ads or Marketing campaigns, affiliate marketing… It doesn’t matter which sales channel your business uses to reach customers, the important thing is. It is important that you understand the product, customer and choose the right channel.
2.1 Digital Marketing online
7 popular forms of Digital Marketing:
- SEO – Search engine optimization: Reach customers passively, sustainably and with low advertising costs for businesses. SEO is a method of optimizing a website to increase the ranking of a business on Google. Based on user behavior, the top position of Google will have more clicks than the following rankings.
You can choose Onpage SEO: optimize keywords, article structure, images or videos that your website wants to convey to customers. Offpage SEO: building backlinks, internal links.
- Email Marketing: This approach in 2020 is chosen quite rarely because there will be reviews as spam to customers’ emails. Email Marketing approaches and sends customers messages about products – services – sales information.
- Content Marketing: Content will be the most important factor to promote with customers. When choosing this brand promotion solution, you need to elaborate on useful content and information to share with customers to attract traffic.
- SEM – Search Engine Marketing: When businesses choose to promote under this channel, they often use Google Ads, Google Display Network (GDN), Youtube Ads… Your products will be put on the top of Google’s page but will have to pay a large amount of money to bring the brand. up.
- SMM – Social Media Marketing: Marketing activities on community channels connecting directly with customers via Facebook, Instagram, Zalo…
- PCC – Pay per click advertising: An advertising method that costs businesses a certain amount of money for each click of a user. Your business needs to optimize for the lowest cost per click.
- Affiliate Marketing: Ways to promote products and services. Enterprises carry out marketing and product introduction to convert customer behavior from referencing to closing orders with service providers.
2.2 Digital Marketing Offline
Digital Marketing Offline: Product marketing channel through advertising in newspapers, television, and signboards at the establishment. However, in the digital age, this is an ineffective sales channel.
3 – Effective Digital Marketing Strategy
To be able to choose an effective marketing strategy, you need to research your market, products and customers. Your business needs to collect data, measure and fight to evaluate the pros and cons of each campaign to help choose the right sales channel.
Before opening a product marketing campaign to customers, you need to determine the purpose – the goal: What to do? This campaign to spread the brand, convey the message, reach potential customers, convert purchases, increase sales or share useful information …
Identify potential customers
An effective campaign when businesses identify the right file of potential customers to deliver an effective message or method of reaching customers. You need to answer the questions: Who are your potential customers? Age – gender – customer preferences?…When answering these questions to choose the right name – image – brand.
Your customers will easily remember you when your products are outstanding, easy to remember and attract customers. When putting on the brand scale, customers will definitely choose a prominent and unique brand to experience the product compared to the competition.
Research your competitors
You will not win customers if you do not study your competitors and come up with an optimal strategy to compete in a healthy way. Before embarking on a campaign, you should research your competitors, draw out the advantages and disadvantages of your business to improve and convince customers.
Digital Marketing is an effective advertising channel for businesses to reach potential customers to generate effective revenue. As a business, you need to choose one of the appropriate channels to advertise effectively and save advertising costs.